Parenting Articles
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Extended Rear Facing Car...
It is generally common knowledge that babies need to travel rear facing in an appropriate car seat up to the legally required 15 months (R129 regulations). However,...
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5 Ways to Raise Financially Savvy Children
Children's embarrassing habits
5 Top Tips For Avoiding Holiday Arguments.
Thumb Sucking - Should you be worried about the long term...
Turn your child into a confident learner
Top 10 New Year Resolutions For Parents
Do You Have a Shy Toddler?
The Secrets to Sibling Harmony - A must read for parents...
The Co-Sleeping Conundrum: Good or bad for children?
Is Your Child Getting Too Much Screen Time? A Psychologist's...
Baby’s Red Book joins the digital age
How to Help Your Toddler Overcome Their Fears
Are Today’s Parents Over-Protective?
Separation Anxiety: How to help your child (and you!) let go...
6 Proven Ways to Help Your Child Get a Better Night’s Sleep
Starting School: 5 ways to help an anxious child
Emotional Eating
Travelling with Toddlers: How to make your family holidays...