The Zen Baby Company - Baby Massage (Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday)
The Zen Baby Company’s Baby Massage classes are the perfect way for you to spend some one-on-one quality time with your baby, suitable from 8 weeks until active crawling. Massage has a whole host of benefits, not only for your baby but also for you too.
Babies first language is touch. It is how they first experience the world as it is the most established sense at birth. It is how they communicate and how they learn about the world.
We will teach you a range of strokes, a mixture of Indian and Swedish massage, to relax and regulate your baby whilst creating a womb-like bubble for the two of you.
Main Address: Newton Leys Pavilion, , Furzey Way, Newton Leys, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK3 5SP