Gurgle & Co. offer a complete program of classes for newborns to school starters. Each class has been carefully considered to offer activities which best suit the current stage of your child's development.Little Smilers (six weeks until sitting)
Little Smiler sessions offer the perfect, nurturing space for our smallest and newest babies. Based around a weekly theme and focusing on your baby’s five senses, Little Smiler sessions offer gentle, stimulating and considered activities to delight and engage your baby.
Little Smilers sessions aim to help parents to learn a variety of different developmental play techniques and activities to try at home, to boost your baby’s development and for you to experience special, quality bonding time with your little one. Each session incorporates:
How to develop your baby’s five senses through sensory play
Ideas for tummy time practise
Songs and nursery rhymes that engage and captivate your baby, with the use of sensory equipment and good-quality props
Yoga-inspired movements to music
An introduction to baby sign language
Time to explore a themed sensory zone independently
A relaxed, gentle and mindful sensory finale
By offering a chance to explore the weekly themed activities independently, we hope to provide parents with the perfect opportunity to connect with other parents and enjoy a cup of tea!
Session time: 45 minutes
Termly booking only, to allow for ideas to be built upon each week
Maximun number of participants: 8
Little Growers (sitting unaided to crawling)
Based around a weekly theme and focusing on your baby’s five senses, Little Grower sessions offer exciting, stimulating and considered activities to delight and engage your baby.
Little Grower sessions aim to help parents to learn a variety of different play techniques and activities to try at home, to boost your baby’s development and for you to experience special, quality bonding time with your little one.
LIttle Grower classes have a structured weekly format that offers babies the gentle security to have the confidence to be curious and explore their surroundings. Each session incorporates:
Developmental play ideas, appropriate to your little ones current stage of development
A weekly theme to explore in class and then ideas to explore further at home, with more ideas provided in a weekly email
Songs and nursery rhymes that engage and captivate your baby, with the use of sensory equipment and good-quality props (such as parachutes and lights)
An introduction to messy play
Baby sign language
Time to explore a themed sensory area independently with your baby
A relaxed, gentle and mindful sensory finale, always with bubbles!
By offering a chance to explore the weekly themed activities independently, we hope to provide parents with the perfect opportunity to connect with other parents and enjoy a cup of tea!
Session time: 45 minutes
Termly or weekly booking options available
Maximun number of participants: 12
Little Crawlers (suitable for little ones who are crawling- walking)
As soon as your little one can crawl, the world becomes their oyster! It's time for them to start being curious, play and explore the world around them. Little Crawler’s classes are designed to develop their sense of exploration and promotes communication skills, physical development, sensorial awareness and social skills through play.
Classes are fast-paced to keep their interest, but structured enough for little ones to gain familiarity with the class routines and build their confidence in exploring the activities on offer. Our weekly themes offer a wide range of stimulating and exciting activities, including:
Music and Movement (using lots of engaging, stimulating and enticing props and instruments)
Sensory play
Physical development play equipment (such as balance bars, ride-on toys, tunnels and pickler-frames)
Messy play
Sign language (to aid our growing communication skills)
Little Crawlers activities are designed to entice their natural sense of curiosity to explore and develop:
Sensory awareness
Gross and fine motor skills
Balance and movement
Communication skills
Social skills - first by watching and observing before interacting with others
The session ends with some calming bubbles and a chance to relax before going home.
Session time: 45 minutes
Termly or weekly booking options available
Maximun number of participants: 12
Little Explorers (walking confidently - 2.5years)
Once your little one has found their feet, they won’t want to sit still for long! Which is why Little Explorers is the perfect class for when your little one is active and eager to discover the wide world around them! This fun, high-energy and interactive session aims to delight, engage and stimulate your little one.
We follow a familiar weekly format that allows children to develop their confidence and independence to explore. We begin with time to independently explore the weekly themed activities, which are designed to entice your child’s natural sense of curiosity to explore and develop:
Sensory awareness
Gross and fine motor skills
Balance and movement skills
Communication skills
Social skills - first by watching and observing before interacting with others
We then move onto our high-energy, rhythmic and engaging music and movement section - it’s jam-packed with high-quality, stimulating and exciting props, instruments and equipment to engage and captivate your little ones, because everyone loves a boogie! The session ends with some calming bubbles and a chance to relax before going home.
Session time: 45 minutes
Termly or weekly booking options available
Maximun number of participants: 12
Little Music Makers
Little Music Makers is a high-energy, rhythmic and engaging music and movement class. It is jam-packed with high-quality, stimulating and exciting props, instruments and equipment to engage and captivate your little ones, because everyone loves a boogie!
Little music makers encourages and develops self-expression, confidence, social skills and the ability to dance and play instruments to a beat.
Little music makers also develops our little ones listening skills through action songs, awareness of our body parts, the development of gross and fine motor skills and encourages the practise of often difficult skills to master, such a tidying up and taking turns.
The session ends with some calming bubbles and a chance to relax before going home.
Session time: 45 minutes
Termly or weekly booking options available
Maximun number of participants: 15
Main Address: Salford Village Hall, Lower End, Chipping Norton, Kingham, Oxfordshire, OX7 5YP