Review: Pre-school Book Bundle, worth £46.95 Skip to main content
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Review: Pre-school Book Bundle, worth £46.95

Review by VIP Club Member Kirsty Ledgard


We were very excited to be chosen to do a review of the pre-school book bundle, my child is 3 and a half years old and loves to be read too and looking at books.  Please see below my reviews of the 5 books that we were given.

Fletcher and The Rock Pool By Julia Rawlinson and Tiphanie Beeke

Fletcher plays happily on the beach with the sun, sea, and space, but due to the sea disappearing he tries to rescue the friends he has found in a rock pool so that they do not get stranded.

This is a lovely, descriptive, and caring story that held my child’s attention for the majority of the of the time that we were reading it.

At the end of the story, we were able to talk through the basics of what had happened in the book by looking at the pictures and the counting of the shiny waves on the last page was enjoyable.

The book is nicely illustrated and over all this is a very charming book that is suitable for the pre-school age group.

4 Stars out of 5


Rita Wants A Dragon By Maine Zepf and Mr Ando

When Rita becomes cross, she has an inner dragon that comes out to represent her feelings but once she has calmed down her dragon becomes tamed.

This book explores some of the emotions that younger children can feel but may not know how to put into words what they are feeling. This includes being cross and angry, experiencing a tantrum and then becoming calm once through the other side and knowing that everything is alright again.

The book tells the story of Rita dealing with her anger and then being calm and comforted.

A short and simple story with short and simple wording on each page.

My child’s attention was held throughout, and the story was liked.

The book is nicely illustrated, and the pictures explain the story being told.

A suitable book for the pre-school age group.

4 Stars out of 5


Ebb and Flo and Their New Friend By Jane Simmons

Ebb and Flo have a boat that they enjoy going out in together but when a bird joins them unexpectedly Ebb wishes the bird would leave them alone to their friendship and then feelings force Ebb to think again.

This story is about experiencing and dealing with the feelings of jealousy and not wanting to share but then the realisation of missing something you were unsure about when it has gone and learning to reconcile for a positive outcome.

My child’s attention was held throughout this story and the nice illustrations meant we were about to talk about the story and events through the pictures.

This book is suitable for the pre-school age group.     

4 Stars out of 5


Albert Supersize By Ian Brown and Eoin Clarke

Albert is a pet tortoise who dreams of having a big adventure and of being a hero but he does not realise that he is already a hero to his friends within the life he leads.

This story we did not engage with, and it did not hold my child’s attention at all. I felt that it was not a story that you could identify with, and it lost its way a little.

The illustrations are good throughout but do improve more as the story continues.

This book is not for the pre-school age group as I do not think that it would be enjoyed or understood, plus some of the illustrations may appear scary or confusing.

2 Stars out of 5

Fun For Fingers By Anna Bruder

This is a book of games to be played either on your own or with others simply by using your fingers.

The pictures and writing is very busy, colourful and explained in simple terms making it very user friendly.

You could use this book in several settings i.e., outside, on a journey or to pass the time in a restaurant and it would take up very little space to take with you.

The games can be played within the book, or the ideas can be used to make and play the games on a bigger scale.

We enjoyed going through the games and my child’s attention was held throughout and we visited some of the games more than once.

I think that this book is suitable for the pre-school age and for the older age groups to enjoy.

5 Stars out of 5

Books available to buy from Graffeg