Impact of Morning Routine on Family Stress Levels Revealed Skip to main content
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Impact of Morning Routine on Family Stress Levels Revealed

New research reveals the impact that morning habits can have on families’ stress levels during the school run and beyond.

The survey amongst parents found that just 30% of families in the UK take time to sit down to eat breakfast together regularly. Yet, there are huge benefits for those who start their day in this way. In fact, children who eat breakfast with their families are 17% more likely to enjoy the morning routine than those who eat their breakfast alone, on the go, at breakfast clubs, or skip the meal altogether. Parents are also 15% more likely to enjoy their morning if it is family-orientated.

Eating breakfast together can further have a positive impact on the whole family’s mental health. The research, carried out by name label manufacturer, found that families who eat their morning meal around the table together are 7% less likely to experience anxiety when they wake up. Plus, children who eat breakfast with their family are almost three times less likely to find mornings stressful than children who don’t have time for breakfast at all.

The way families travel to school can also impact mental health, with parents who walk or cycle with their children most likely to view the journey as a valuable opportunity to spend quality time with their children.

Not only this, but parents who cycle to school with their children are most likely to report waking up feeling excited about their day, and the least likely to be anxious in the mornings. These benefits can be felt by the whole family, with parents who cycle also most likely to believe that their children enjoy the journey to school the most.

By contrast, those who use public transport or drive are 6% more stressed and 15% more likely to argue. It’s no surprise, therefore, that children who don’t have an active start to the morning are 14% more likely to go to school upset.

Lars B. Andersen, Managing Director of, comments: “Our work centres around making parents’ lives easier, so we were interested to explore the pressures facing modern families. As a parent myself, I know first-hand how the school run can impact family dynamics, both positively and negatively.

"Our research reveals that our morning routine can have a significant impact on our outlook for the rest of the day. A simple thing such as making time to sit down as a family for a meal can significantly reduce anxiety, stress, and worry, whilst an active journey to school can offer a great opportunity for families to spend time together and enjoy some exercise, setting everyone up well for the day.”

Find out more about the impact of the morning routine on family dynamics.