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A Parent’s Guide to Running a Business

Juggling parenthood and business management can be a tricky task, and with so many commitments at work you can feel like you’re missing out on valuable milestones in your baby’s life.

It doesn’t need to be like this however, there are steps you can take and processes that you can implement that will help you to keep your business running smoothly, without losing precious time with your little one. In fact, a study by Yell found that 76% of parents considered their small business to be a success, which is significantly higher than non-parents who felt that they had achieved success. This shows that not only is it possible to do both, but that it may even help you achieve everything you’ve ever wanted.

If you’re a parent who runs their own business, then here are just three things you can do to ensure that you’re still giving your baby the time that they need.

Delegate Some Business Responsibilities

Depending on the size of your business, you may have people working for you who can take care of some of your daily responsibilities. The management of big projects can take up a lot of your time, and with a bit of training, some of your trusted employees can take on some of the load, freeing up more time for you to spend with your little ones while they’re little.

Admin is also a major consumer of your time, particularly for those businesses who are on the verge of expansion. It can be incredibly time consuming, taking away valuable time you could be spending with your baby. Luckily, services such as Oleeo have brought automation to the recruitment process, reducing the time you need to spend sorting through candidates and arranging interviews.

Remember, the more you automate and the more you delegate, the more time you’ll have to spend with your kids!

Work From Home

During the pandemic, many of us needed to work from home, and what surprised many of us was just how easy it was to make the transition from office to home office.

Hurdles, like team meetings and shared projects were overcome with valuable software, and most of us were even more productive than we ever had been before.

However, the greatest asset of the remote working environment was the improvement to the work/life balance, in fact studies found that three quarters of those working from home experienced improvement to their work/life balance. If you make your business remote, you’ll find that you have more time to spend with your small children, especially if you cut out those commute hours.

Take Time for Yourself

Finally, it’s important to carve out time for your own self-care.

We know it can be difficult when you have so much on your plate, especially when you want to spend every non-working hour with your little one.

However, the better you care for yourself, the better you’ll be able to care for your baby!

Have you juggled entrepreneurship with raising your baby?

Check out this BarBend's guide on At-Home Workouts: https://barbend.com/at-home-workouts/