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Parents are spending longer periods of intense time with their children, a change for both they and their children (perhaps) and tensions and frustrations are running high.

15 Minute Parenting with Psychotherapist Joanna Fortune
Child and family psychotherapist Joanna Fortune launches her first series of books in the UK - 15 Minute Parenting.
Joanna is well known in Ireland as a regular media commentator and parenting expert and has developed the 15 Minute Parenting model, based on practical mindful play between parents and children. She uses play as a common language and demystifies the world of psychotherapy to empower parents to use therapeutic parenting to make big differences in their relationship with their children.
This is a model based on less tears and more laughter and there couldn't be a better time than right now for this fresh approach to parenting.
Parents are spending longer periods of intense time with their children, a change for both they and their children (perhaps) and tensions and frustrations are running high.

" So-called ‘acting-out behaviours’ are often dismissed as ‘attention-seeking’, but what if this apparent need for attention is actually a need for connection? I believe that a child’s overt behaviour is actually a communication of an emotional state that is driven by a need for human emotional connection. Remember, we all just want the people closest to us to get us so that we can feel felt or get got by the ones we love. From infancy, through the transitions from childhood into adolescence and then to young adulthood, children need emotional connection with their parent. "
There are two books in the series, one for parents with 0-7 year olds and one for those with 8-12 year olds.
15-Minute Parenting 0-7 Years: Quick and easy ways to connect with your child
15-Minute Parenting 8-12 Years: Stress-free strategies for nurturing your child's development

15 Minute Parenting will be on sale on 21 May 2020.
For more information about the author visit