We are a term time Local Authority Nursery School, with places available for children aged 2-4 years, split between two distinct areas. We are open 8.00am - 5.00pm, Monday to Friday, during the Warwickshire school term.
Led by a fully qualified Head Teacher, with a second qualified teacher on our team, our staff are enthusiastic, imaginative, caring and are always aware of a child’s individual needs. Our children are valued as unique and special. We have a range of inclusive exciting activities to inspire and motivate the children in our care. We are especially proud of our beautiful and large outdoor space, which includes an onsite forest school, raised beds, climbing frame and a large sandpit, plus our guinea-pig run.
For our 3 year olds we offer various options for the 15 or 30 hours free early education provision including full days. We offer complete flexibility on how you would like to use your funded hours inlcuding our breakfast and afternoon tea club.
For our 2 year olds we can offer free funded places for those children eligible for 2 year funding as well as paid places for our morning session.
Our next open morning is 12th February 2022 - Please call 01926 492701 to make an appointment
For more information or to request an application pack, please call us on 01926 492701 or visit our website: www.warwicknurseryschool.org
Other activities have now resumed at Warwick Nursery School
On Thursdays 1.00-2.30pm (term time only) we have a drop in Stay & Play session for any family in the community with babies or pre-school children.
We also have a community Toy Library open to everyone-visit our website or call us for more details: www.warwicktoylibrary.org
Main Address: Warwick Nursery School, Coventry Road, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4LJ