TinyTalk is a really fun way to start to use signing with your baby. We use British Sign Language (BSL - the language used by the Deaf community in the UK) signs as we believe in laying the foundations for your child to develop a lifelong skill and the opportunity to learn a real language. Each week we have a different theme (pets, going out, going to bed etc) and we learn signs by singing well known nursery rhymes and action songs.
My baby signing classes are suitable from birth - many parents like to start early, with the thinking that you talk to your baby as soon as they're born, so why not start signing with them then too. Younger babies may not be able to sign back but you can be assured they’re taking it all in and when they do start signing it’s already a natural way to communicate as they’ve seen you signing to them for months. The youngest babies in my classes have started at just 6 weeks old.
TinyTalk classes are about so much more than signing too - with activities designed to engage and develop all the senses your baby needs for effective communication, encouraging both signing and speech. Also, the second half of class is always dedicated social time, where I get lots of toys out for the little ones, make drinks for all the grown-ups, pass round the biscuits and everyone can get to know each other - like your own exclusive little playgroup!
At Toddler Talking classes we continue to teach signs to support your little one's transition to speech, but our focus is mainly on language development, encouraging speech and early learning (such as counting, colours, turn taking and sharing), all while having lots and lots of fun, singing nursery rhymes and action songs, and playing. Don't worry - no previous baby signing experience is needed!
Main Address: The Orchard Community Centre , Sullivan Court, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, Sg18 8SZ