The Creation Station Royston Melbourn and Great Shelford

Art and craft sessions for preschool age children.
The benefits of children sharing creative play with their parent or carer are well documented and creative play can enhance their early years foundation skills. However, it can be tricky providing your baby, toddler or preschool child with hands-on arts and crafts activities at home.
As busy parents we can all struggle with ideas, time or energy and the thought of the clearing up afterwards can feel anything but fun! Also it’s often the case that by the time you’ve set something up, they’ve already finished!
We totally understand this. In fact, that’s precisely why The Creation Station was established – to give you quality, fun, creative experiences with your child in a safe, nurturing and friendly environment.
Baby Discover Classes are from 6 months to 18 months
Your Baby Discover classes provide your baby with unique learning and development experiences and with inspiring creative play and treasured artworks.
The creative process supports all areas of learning and growth including developing motor skills by encouraging babies to grab and hold and sensory skills by supporting their desires to discover the world around them.
Creative play enables your baby to make connections, to think and problem-solve. The activities build self-esteem and much, much more.
Little Explorer Classes from 18 months to 4 years old.
Share your child’s journey of exploration, discovery and development through fun, creative adventures
Enjoy creative adventures with your child to spark their natural curiosity and to develop their own journey of exploration and discovery.
Every week you can inspire your child’s imagination and nurture their creativity and potential with fun, hands-on arts and crafts creative Little Explorer classes.
Our exclusive, educational and safe activity programmes engage your child’s senses, so they can join in at a rate and pace that suits them.
What’s more, the classes are social, educational and great fun for both of you!
We also offer family fun days, tiny treasure sessions for Mums and new born babies and wonderful Arty Parties! Please contact me for more information.
Lyndsay x
Main Address: Duxford Community Centre, Hunts Road, Duxford, Cambridgeshire, CB22 4RE