On Maternity Leave?
Wondering what to do with the long days with your baby? Whether the experience of motherhood has been a bumpy ride or a walk in the park, as a Mum (or pregnant Mum) of a new baby, you are warmly invited to Talking Point.
Talking Point is an opportunity to meet other mums with their new babies over coffee, cake and conversation, in a sitting room. We are very informal, want you to feel at home, and understand how tired and overwhelmed mums can feel. Often friendships are formed that last for many years.
Talking Point is on Thursdays (term time only) 10 am – 12 noon but just turn up anytime between these times – babies don’t always keep to our clocks!
It is hosted by a team of mums who have enjoyed Talking Point for themselves over the years and is supported by Grange Park Church and health visiting teams from Grange Park Surgery.
If you would like to come along and would like more information including the location, please speak to Rebecca (07725 474341
Thursdays 10am - 12pm
Ages: Bump-1 year, For Mums
Term Time: Yes
Holiday Time: No
Cost: FREE (drop in)
Details available on request