Our centres are currently closed for group activities due to COVID-19. Our centres are open for pre-arranged 1:1 sessions with families or to speak to someone on the phone.
For the time being we are running a weekly online Virtual timetable via our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Stratfordchildrenscentres/ (@stratfordchildrenscentres).
We are also offering on request services:-
- Baby Massage: 1:1 at the centre or 1:1 or group via Zoom
- Chatter Matters: 1:1 at the centre or 1: 1 or group via Zoom
- Bookstart Corner: 1:1 at the centre
- Talk and Play: 1:1 at the centre
- Wellcomm Screens: 1:1 at the centre
- Baby and Toddler Play: 1:1 at the centre
To find out more information or to book one of the above please contact us on:
Email: susan.proctor@barnardos.org.uk or by calling one of our Centre’s: Stratford: 01789 266624, Alcester: 01789 764093 or Lighthorne Heath: 01926 691105
Children and Family Centres for:
Stratford Upon Avon Children & Family Centre, Drayton Avenue, Stratford Upon Avon, CV37 9PB
Tel: 01789 266624
Opening hours: 9am - 5pm (Monday - Friday)
Lighthorne Heath Children & Family Centre, Stratford Road, Lighthorne Heath, CV33 9TW
Tel: 01926 691105
Opening hours: 9am - 5pm (Monday - Friday)
Alcester Children and Family Centre, St Faiths Road, Alcester, B49 AG
Tel: 01789 4093
Opening hours: 9am - 5pm (Monday - Friday)
Check our Facebook page as any cancellations will go here https://www.facebook.com/Stratfordchildrenscentres/
Main Address: Stratford District Children and Family Centre, Drayton Avenue, Stratford Upon Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 9PB