Singing Mamas is a national non-profit movement which supports women across the UK to build song-sharing communities that improve well-being.
What's it like: We sit on chairs in a circle with a mat with quiet toys for little ones in the middle.
Brief warm-up & check-in: a chance to pause, find your feet and reconnect with yourself. We do this through either very simple singing, or a game or simple mindfulness exercise. Join in as you want to, it’s all an invitation, not obligatory. This start to the session helps the group get focused as a circle and helps the little ones settle into a feeling of being held.
Sing: We sing in order to lift our spirits and connect with one another, and there is no expectation that we should sound a certain way. No-one will ever be asked to sing on their own, we will always sing together, so our voices blend and no-one feels uncomfortable. We learn our songs by ear, which means there’s no sheet music or even words written down. I’ll sing a line of a song and everyone will echo it back, and then we’ll loop the song until it feels comfortable and familiar. If you’ve never sung with others before or think you will sing out of tune that’s ok. It’s just about enjoying it.
Cuppa and cake: Essential! For half an hour after singing you’re welcome to hang about, chat, have a cuppa and eat home-made cake.
Main Address: Victoria Hall, Broadclyst, Exeter, Devon, EX5 3DX