Sing and Sign - The original British baby signing programme!
Welcome to Sing and Sign! I'm Emily, and it's my job to bring our award-winning online courses to the families of Oxford and surrounding areas, with the help of Monica and our friend, Jessie Cat!
We'll continue to run online streamed courses for those of you who are happier staying home, or you can add sessions in our COVID-secure in-person courses in Cutteslowe, Kidlington or Witney this spring.
Our classes are full of musical fun and so much more!
With our youngest babies, we give you plenty of ideas for games to play together and we also explore early communication skills - the ones you instinctively notice, but that there isn't an Instagram-ready milestone card for! Think eye contact, babbling and taking turns in 'conversations'. We know you've got lots of new things to juggle with a new baby, so we share songs, rhymes and games that will not only be easy to remember and fun to enjoy, but are fantastic at supporting the development of those foundations for communication. Classes are gentle and welcoming; it doesn't matter if your baby naps, feeds or cuddles through the session - what you learn can be used throughout your week, at a time that's best for you both.
For those who've mastered sitting, crawling or running, the fun continues! We have exciting things to see, have lots of fun with sounds and explore music with action songs and instruments, all the while teaching you a skill to help you and your little one understand one another. I was amazed by how much more my babies could understand and even tell me, just by using simple signs or gestures. It was incredible when we realised what a lot they could tell us about their world: that they’d seen a bus; had heard a bird or wanted a drink. The signs are easy to learn and it's up to you how many you choose to use day-to-day at home.