We would love to see you at our group and we welcome:
* parents-to-be i.e. "bumps"
* parents or carers with children from newborn up to pre-school age i.e. "babies and beyond"
Come along and enjoy a cuppa and a chat whilst your children play. Please don't feel shy to come along by yourself as we are a friendly group and it's a great way to meet new friends, and share the challenges and joys of parenthood! We often have special guests who give taster sessions, such as music or baby yoga.
As well as offering hot drinks and squash, we always have biscuits but sometimes homemade cakes too!
The group runs every Monday during term time from 09:30-11:30 but you can drop in at any time and stay as long as you like, so don't feel you have to arrive at 09:30 on the dot (we know what it's like getting out of the house with small children!) We sometimes run during the school holidays as well, so it's advisable to check out our events section and our Facebook page for the latest details.
We ask for a £1 voluntary donation per family to cover the cost of refreshments.
Main Address: Holmer Green Sports Association, Watchet Lane, Holmer Green, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP15 6UF