Has your child started their weaning journey yet? Let Mucky Ducks Bucks and Hemel help you through this stage with our entirely edible, messy play creations designed to give your child the confidence to try new tastes and flavours, free from the constraints of the high chair. We use seasonal raw fresh ingredients, free from dairy, egg, soya, sesame, nuts and sugar. If your child is yet to start their weaning journey, we also offer Mucky Ducklings specifically for babies aged 2-6 months, an introduction to messy play. Evidence suggests that babies need 8- 10 experiences of food before they are ready to eat it so let’s get them ready to start their weaning journey. Coming soon, Starting Solids Workshops and Baby Brunches .
After the messy play fun your little one has a bath, so you have no clean up to worry about!
Details available on request