Mama's Mindfulness® supports families and offers many classes that support your child's development. Here's some of the classes that we have on offer for you.
Baby Massage Classes (suitable from 4 weeks - crawling) nurturing & calming sessions in a stunning studio in Kenilworth.
Massage, Movement & Music Courses fun & interactive classes for babies from 12 weeks old full of baby massage, baby yoga & sensory play.
Stay, Play & Learn Sessions (suitable from birth - school age) colourful, baby led, music, tea & coffee, invitation to play.
Baby Play & Mama Meets a stay & play session exclusively for younger babies who arent on the move yet so mums can really relax, chat & connect.
All of my sessions are inclusive and supportive, they are a place to make friends and grow together, our baby massage courses are packed full of special touches for you and for your baby, these sessions book so fast due to their huge popularity. Our messy play courses are so popular because they are so much fun! They are baby led so no pressure to stick to a structured session and i'm there to clean up all the mess! Our stay and play sessions are suitable for those with younger babies who would like to make new mum friends or new dad friends or for those with toddlers who want to explore all of the fun toys and invitation to play that are set up for them. We also put out our bouncy castle during these sessions.
You can book your space today via our website.
Details available on request