SSNAP is a charity based at the John Radcliffe hospital, we help support sick and premature newborns and their families.
In the summer of 2022 we launched our parents and baby/toddler groups "Little Ssnaplings". These are groups are for families who have spend time on a neonatal unit. During our baby groups you can enjoy baby massage in Thame, Witney and Banbury and baby yoga in Wheatey. For our toddler groups we have Ride-on time in Wantage and Messy Monkey's at Witney.
These groups are for all neonatal familes, no matter how long you spend on the unit or which unit your where on all are welcome. It'll give you the opportunlty to meet other families who understand how it feels having a sick or premature newborn. At the end of each session there is time to socialise with some light refreshments.
For all enquiries please email or 07379 336956
Main Address: SSNAP, John Radcliffe Hospital, Level 2 Women's Centre, Headington Way, , Headington, Oxfordshire, OX3 9DU