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Happy Sleepy Family


I’m  Emma, Holistic Sleep Coach, Childcare professional of 17 years, and mummy to one busy little two year old!

It was that busy two year old that led me to where I am today, helping families to get more sleep through targeting the root cause of their sleep issues.

When Felix was little, we struggled A LOT with sleep. I wondered, why didn’t my baby sleep? Is he broken? Am I a failure? I felt I’d tried everything and that my only option was to wait it out, or cry it out.

When I was at my most desperate and exhausted, I found a Holistic Sleep Coach who could help us, and I was so grateful that there was a gentle way to improve sleep.

I immediately enrolled in the same training program that our coach used, as I KNEW I could use our experience, plus my new knowledge of sleep science, into practice.

I now spend each day educating parents on normal infant sleep and helping them gently improve their situation at home.

One size does not fit all-every baby and child is different ❤️

As a parent I understand how precious and rare time alone can be, so I work on a flexi booking basis to make it work for the parents. So if you'd like to book, all you need to do is let me know the days and times that work best for you!

I look forward to helping you with your sleep situation!

Details available on request


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