Let’s face it... no one set out to be a parent who was stuck in constant power struggles with their kids. No one wants to yell, threaten or bribe but some days it feels like nothing else works... you don’t want to be forceful but equally you don't want to be permissive ... you think that surely there must be a better way but you can't see what it could be... that's where I come in.
My name is Emily, I am a mum of two and an ex secondary school teacher now working as an Empowered Parent Coach. I support parents to let go of guilt, fear and shame and parent from deep inner trust connected to their intuition. From deep connection, cooperation flows.
Parents need support. I offer that support through workshops, 1:1, Co parent and Group coaching.
Ultimately I do this job for one reason; joy, and how to get more of it in family life.
Details available on request