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Elin Tots is a small independent business that teaches fun classes for little ones. At Elin Tots there is a real variety of friendly, child-led classes to suit all ages and stages from birth to 8 years. Classes are all done to music with lots of sensory play and creativity. I teach Baby Massage, Music & Movement and Ballet in and around Gloucestershire. All classes are taught by myself, Elin, a qualified Early Years Teacher, Dance Teacher and Baby Massage Instructor.

Here are the classes I teach:

Baby Massage (for babies from birth to 5months and their parent / guardian)

This is a 5/6 week course that teaches a wide range of massage strokes and techniques to help allieviate many commonbaby ailments. Music and Rhymes are used throughout the class to help stimulate your baby's development and help adults remember the routines. All classes include a brownie and hot drink for adults as well as a goody bag with oil, a home practise handout, and small gifts your first week.


Sign, Sing and Dance (for babies from 5months to walking and their parent / guardian)

This is a music & movement class with lots of sensory play and explorations. You and your baby will learn lots of new signs that are taught and practised to your favourite songs and rhymes. Classes are colourful with lots of props and toys for your baby to explore. All classes include a brownie and hot drink for adults as well as a snack for your little one. You will also recieve a goody bag with common baby sign handouts and small gifts your first week.


Dancing Tots (for toddlers from walking to 3 years and their parent / guardian)

This is a music & movement class with lots of sensory play and explorations. In this class we learn routines to your little ones favourite songs from Disney, Current Hits to Nursery Rhymes. Classes are colourful with lots of props and toys for your toddler to explore. All classes include a brownie and hot drink for adults as well as a snack for your little one.


Ballet Babies (for toddlers from walking to 3 years and their parent / guardian)

This class is a creative ballet class where children learn the very first basics to ballet technique such as pointing toes, motor development and muscle control. We use lots of props, music, rhymes and toys to keep the toddlers engaged and make the sessions fun, friendly and interactive.


Ballet Tots (for toddlers from walking to 3 years and their parent / guardian)

This is a pre-school ballet class that teaches ballet techniques.Children in this class learn a set of excersises that help them to practise pointing their toes, develop body control with leg and arm work and travel gracefully. We also use props such as scarves and ribbons during the class and children are given the opportunity to develop their own creativity with the movement. Children dance to songs they are familiar with such as Disney or Nursery Rhymes.


All classes (unless stated as Tasters / One-offs) are booked in 5/6 week half terms. You can book by visiting www.elintots.co.uk or email info@elintots for more information.

I look forward to welcoming you at class!

Main Address: St. Michaels Centre, School Road, Bishops Cleeve, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL52 8BA


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