All are welcome at our play group, from pregnant mums, mums and dads to grandparents, carers and childminders.
£3.00 per family (this includes up to 2 children and all adults - £1 per additional child)
Each week we provide a range of toys to encourage free play. We also aim to offer a craft or sensory activity during the first half of the session.
Everyone is welcome to our kitchen hatch for tea, coffee and biscuits, included in entry fees. We offer snack time for the children including fresh fruit and other yummy treats as well as water and squash. Please let one of the organisers know if you or your child/ren have and allergies so we are able to keep everyone safe and ensure your needs are being met.
We are supporters of breastfeeding and you are welcome to feed your baby throughout group time and there are always other mums around if you need any help.
Throughout the year we also aim to offer special activities, such as end of term parties, soft play sessions and a special visitor whom brings gifts on the last group of term before Christmas. We love to try an celebrate all traditions and faiths, if you have a special time coming up do please talk to one of our organisers to see what we can provide.
We pride ourselves as being an open and supportive group and look forward to always meeting new people.
Main Address: Chilton Village Hall, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0SH