Carrdus is an independent preparatory school for boys and girls aged 3 to 11 situated on the Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire and Warwickshire borders.
Owned by Tudor Hall School, we build the essential foundations for girls to excel at Tudor Hall aged 11 to 18 and boys to shine in a range of future schools in the local area. Our children thrive in eleven acres of beautiful grounds which include a swimming pool, forest school, art studio, sports hall, tree house and sandpit.
Doors open at 08:00, when children and adults may come into Breakfast Club and enjoy a sociable start to the school day. At 08:30 children go to their classes before registration at 08:40. First Break is at 10:40, lasts for 20 minutes and gives the children the chance to climb trees, build dens and have a healthy snack.
Lunch starts at 11:50 for the Lower School and 12:40 for the Upper School. Children enjoy a delicious cooked option with vegetables, salad and home-baked bread as well as a tasty pudding or yoghurt plus fresh fruit every day.
After eating lunch, the children have a Lunch Break outside - 15 minutes for the Lower School and 25 minutes for the Upper School. Lessons restart at 12:40 for the Lower School and 13:30 for the Upper School with the formal school day ending at 15:40. The day is extended to 17:30 by our Enrichment Programme for Years 1-3 and Years 4-6 including After School Club, Homework Club and Teatimers.
Main Address: Carrdus School, Overthorpe Hall, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX17 2BS