Blissful Birthing - Hypnobirthing and Antenatal Education in Oxfordshire
Blissful Birthing is ran by Rachel (a KGHypnobirthing Teacher and Midwife). I offer private* antenatal education to parents-to-be, helping them to increase their knowledge and confidence around labour, birth and caring for their baby.
My speciality is hypnobirthing (Katherine Graves Hypnobirthing) and I am able to do one-to-one sessions (currently online) and groups (held at The Core Zone, Middleton Cheney). My ethos is that the more you know, the more prepared you will feel (for all eventualities!) and a hypnobirthing course is the perfect way of preparing whilst increasing your confidence and removing any fear you may have around birth. It's not just breathing and relaxations, its so much more! The course I teach is a full antenatal education programme so you will learn all there is to know about labour and birth (8-10 hours of content).
I have also developed a Postnatal and Infant Feeding Course (online) to suit those looking for more information on what to expect during this time and how to care for and feed their baby.
You can contact me on blissfulbirthingoxfordshire@gmail.com. Plus follow me on Instagram @blissfulbirthing_ and Facebook for up-to-date information.
Visit www.blissfulbirthingoxfordshire.co.uk for course dates, prices and more information.
*Please note, Blissful Birthing offers private antenatal education. Please speak to your midwife about any free NHS resources available in your area.
Details available on request