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Moving With Kids: How to Make The Transition Smooth

Moving to a new home can be an exciting journey for a family, but when kids are involved, it becomes a different ballgame. Relocating can be disruptive for children, affecting their sense of security and routine. However, with thoughtful planning and some creative strategies, you can make the transition smoother and even enjoyable for your little ones. 

Below are practical steps to ensure that your family’s move is as kid-friendly as possible.

1. Involve Your Kids In The Planning

Children appreciate being part of the planning process; it gives them a sense of control and eases anxiety about the unknown. Allow them to make decisions on aspects such as the decor of their new room or items they’d like to pack. For the actual move, consider hiring a family-friendly removal company like Zoom Removals, which offers services that ensure that the move is not only efficient but also considerate of your family’s comfort.

2. Keep Communication Open

Talk to your kids about the move as soon as possible. Explain why it's happening and discuss all the exciting new opportunities awaiting them. Encourage questions and be ready to answer them honestly. Children need reassurance, so highlight the positives while also acknowledging the challenges. Create a narrative that includes them at every step and keeps them informed of the timeline.

3. Maintain Routines

Kids thrive on routine, and a move can upset this. Strive to keep your child’s schedule as normal as possible amidst the moving chaos. Stick to regular mealtimes, bedtimes, and playtimes. This continuity of routine provides stability and comfort, making the disruption less intimidating.

4. Pack A Personal Essentials Box

Allow each child to pack a small box of essentials that they keep with them during the move. This box can include favourite toys, books, a blanket, or anything else that provides comfort. Not only does this ensure they have their favourite items during the transition, but it also gives them a responsibility they can take pride in.

5. Visit The New Home And Neighbourhood

If possible, visit the new home and neighbourhood with your children before the move. Show them local parks, playgrounds, and other attractions. If a physical visit isn't possible, take a virtual tour online or through photos. Familiarising them with the new environment can build excitement and reduce fears about the unknown.

6. Create A Goodbye Ritual

Saying goodbye is an important part of the process. Help your kids create a ritual to say farewell to their old home and neighbourhood. It could be something simple like taking photos in their favourite spots, having a goodbye party, or creating a scrapbook with memories from their old home.

7. Engage Them On Moving Day

On the day of the move, give your children specific tasks to keep them engaged. Assign age-appropriate responsibilities like packing their toys or helping to label boxes. This not only keeps them busy but also helps them feel like they're an important part of the move.

8. Set Up Their Space First

Once you arrive at your new home, prioritise setting up their rooms. A familiar and comfortable space will help them adjust and feel settled more quickly. Let them help with the setup and give them the freedom to organise their possessions how they prefer.

9. Find New Routines

After the move, establish new routines to help your kids adjust to their new environment. Find local activities or sports teams they can join to make new friends. Establishing these routines can give your kids something to look forward to and help them feel rooted in their new community.

10. Be Patient And Positive

Throughout the moving process, keep a positive attitude. Children often take emotional cues from their parents, so if you stay optimistic, they’re more likely to do the same. Be patient with them as they adjust and be ready to listen to their feelings about the move.


Moving with kids doesn’t have to be a tumultuous experience. With careful planning, open communication, and a focus on maintaining a sense of normalcy, the transition to a new home can be an adventure that brings your family closer. 

Remember to lean on the resources available to you, and always keep the lines of dialogue open with your children. Their resilience may surprise you, and before you know it, your new house will start to feel like a home for everyone.