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Send Activities & Events MK & Bedford

Gravity Send Sessions

Every week Day from 4:30 pm (Booking Required) at Gravity Active, Milton Keynes

Gravity's SEN sessions aren't beneficial for members of recognised disabled groups and societies - they're great fun for carers too. Use code COMPCARER at the checkout for 1x free carer with every SEN session. There SEN sessions provide a unique opportunity for individuals with special educational  needs to engage in physical activity, promoting overall health and wellbeing. 

Gravity Active, 602 Marlborough Gate, Milton Keynes, MK9 3XS

Tel : 0330 1595815

Half Terms Stay & Play

23rd October (Booking Required) at Biggleswade Youth Center

Organised by Autism Bedfordshire, come along to the October Half Term Stay and Play from 10am to 12pm for children aged 3-10. It is £5 per child to attend and siblings are welcome.

Biggleswade Youth Center, Mead End, Biggleswade, SG18 8JU

Tel : 01234 214871                                                                                               

Email :                                 

Santa's Quiet Grotto

8th December from 2:30 pm (Booking Required) at Dobbies Garden Centre, Bletchley

This experience includes meeting with Santa and a special gift for your little ones. These sessions can only be pre-booked, with no queuing on the day and a reduced number of families attending in each slot. during your visit all music is off, twinkling lights are removed or switched off, you can choose to have your child's gift wrapped or not and they will email a photo of your specific grotto to prepare children for what they will see on the day, prior to your visit.

Dobbies Garden Ctr, Belvedere Ln, Watling St, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK17 9JH

Cost: £11.99 per child

Stay & Play In Our Own Way

Every Monday (Booking Required) at Leighton Buzzard Children's Centre

A fun session for families who have children with special needs and disabilities to come along and play, meet other parents and get support and advice from our early years SEND team. Mondays from 10am - 11:30am.

Leighton Buzzard Children's Centre, LU7 1EW

Tel: 0300 300 8880 
