Looking for the Perfect Class for Your Baby or Toddler?
Bringing a new baby into your family, whatever size that family is already, is always a momentous and life changing event – but those changes aren't something you need to navigate alone.
At Tots Play we understand the challenges as well as the joys of these precious early weeks, months and years of your child’s life, and are here to support, nurture and inspire both your little one, and you, on your journey together through our programme of fun, friendly and welcoming classes, events and resources.
As every new parent does, you want the best for your child, and they're growing and learning so fast that every minute together is precious.
A regular class is a great way to enjoy focused time playing, cuddling, connecting and making new discoveries together, but deciding what kind of activity to choose can feel overwhelming can’t it?
Should you go for a…
A Music Class?
Sensory Play?
Physical Play?
Baby Sign Language?
Perhaps you like the sound of them all. Each brings so many benefits for your little one, and would be lots of fun - but how will you fit them all in?
Details available on request