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How to Sleep Well While Pregnant

Pregnancy is one of the most divine human experiences that women go through. While it is a beautiful time and a chance to bring another life to earth, sleeping during this season can be hectic. With a growing belly and strain on the vital organs, you need to know how to sleep properly during this time. Here are a few tips to make sleeping more satisfying while pregnant. Read on!

1. Get a Good Mattress

There are so many factors that disrupt your sleep during pregnancy. It could be night-time bathroom trips, leg cramps, back pain, or even nausea and heartburn. With all these issues, your mattress should never be among them.

Once you discover that you are expectant, it is the best time to shop for a new and pregnancy-friendly mattress. When shopping for options, consider natural fibre mattresses as they respond to one’s body shape while sleeping. This means that you get unique support as your body continually changes to accommodate the foetus.

The other alternative is pocket spring mattresses. They come with various levels of support to keep you comfortable during your journey. It ensures that your weight is evenly distributed thus better support and pressure relief.

2. Sleeping Positions

Your sleeping positions during pregnancy are often limited to the sides. Sleeping on your left side ensures that your body gets enough blood flow for the vital organs. This will also facilitate the movement of nutrients and oxygen to your foetus. The biggest advantage of this position is that it minimises swelling on the legs, particularly the ankles.

While sleeping on the right may feel temporarily good, it may put pressure on the liver. Experts only recommend it for short intervals or when you want to rest your left side. Sleeping on your stomach or back is highly discouraged in any trimester due to the growing foetus. Apart from the discomfort, it puts pressure on the uterus and vital organs.

3. Maintain a Regular Schedule

To enhance the quality of your sleep, you need to go to bed and wake up at the same time. This helps you keep a natural sleep-wake cycle and ensures you can fall asleep faster. If you have trouble falling asleep, incorporate a soothing beverage or bath to reinforce the sleep cues to your body. By doing this, your body knows that it is time to wind down.

In case you have trouble sleeping through the night, add a nap during the day to make up for the rest. Ensure the naps are between the midmorning and afternoon so that they do not alter your night-time sleep.

4. Talk to Your Doctor

Above everything else, stay in close contact with your doctor. If you have any existing sleep disorders or trouble sleeping through the night, you need to speak to your doctor. They will perform a few assessments and suggest the most viable treatments for pregnancy-related sleep problems.


Sleep is therapy for the human mind and helps us unwind and rejuvenate. It becomes a more important element during pregnancy as you are supporting more than one life. To enhance your sleep during this time, consider getting a good quality mattress and knowing the ideal sleeping positions. After this, proceed to maintain a regular sleep schedule so you have an easy time sleeping. Don’t forget to engage your doctor in case of any issues.